Thursday 6 March 2008

Piss off and Dizaei

As Lee Jasper vanishes, at least temporarily, from public view, an equally obnoxious race hustler may be in for a bit of luck. The Telegraph reports that Metropolitan Police Chief Superintendent, and president of the National Black Police Association, Ali Dizaei, is one of several candidates for promotion to the rank of Commander.
The report also notes that Dizaei "once accused his colleagues of racism". In fact he has done so on at least four separate occasions, and, perhaps in an effort to broaden his repertoire, has also recently accused the Solicitors Regulation Authority of being "institutionally racist". He doesn't exactly have a track record of scrupulous honesty in his accusations, either: last year, he admitted to having libelled both his ex-boss, and another officer, and was obliged to pay "substantial" damages to both men.
His latest
allegations against his colleagues were made almost exactly a year ago, when an earlier application for promotion to Commander was rejected. Apparently, Sir Ian Blair fears that Dizaei will cry "racism", should he once again fail to get promoted. Now, what on Earth could have given him that idea?

Even among race hustlers, Dizaei is a particularly unpleasant and dangerous specimen. Unlike the likes of Lee Jasper, he does not remain in the dank recesses of the "race relations" swamp, but slithers into the general public realm to spread his slime. As a senior police officer (his stated ambition is to rise to the rank of chief constable, and if he cries "racism" enough, he just might get there), his decisions and actions can have a direct impact upon the lives of ordinary people, in a way that Jasper's generally cannot. But, Dizaei, just as much as other race hustlers, appears to be motivated by a deep-seated grudge, bordering on hatred, against all white people; like all other race hustlers, he seems to see racist conspiracies everywhere, or at least, everywhere where white people are found. The fact that he has twice admitted to libel suggests that he is rather dishonest, as well. As I have written before, such a man is unfit to wear police uniform at all, let alone the uniform of a senior officer. It is to be hoped that the Met will reject his application for promotion, even if it does mean that he cries "racism" once again. After all, he does it so often, that I doubt anyone really bats an eyelid anymore...


JuliaM said...

"As I have written before, such a man is unfit to wear police uniform at all, let alone the uniform of a senior officer."

Are you sure..? Compared to other high profile senior officers, such as Sir Ian Blair, the former Brian Paddick and Mr Wikipedia himself, Sir Norman Bettison, I think he fits right in...

Anonymous said...

It is to be hoped that the Met will reject his application for promotion, even if it does mean that he cries "racism" once again. After all, he does it so often, that I doubt anyone really bats an eyelid anymore...

This was an excellent post, but you slip up there. If our present system were sane and rational, it would be reasonable to doubt that a charge of racism by an obvious crook would get the crook anywhere.