Friday 28 March 2008

Fitna removed

Oh well, free speech was good while it lasted. Both versions of Geert Wilders' film have been removed from LiveLeak, and replaced with the following message:
The Removal of "Fitna": Official Liveleak Statement

Following threats to our staff of a very serious nature, and some ill informed comments from certain members of the British media that could directly affect the safety of some staff members, Liveleak has been left with no other choice but to remove Fitna from our servers.

This is a sad day for freedom of speech on the net but we have to place the safety and well being of our staff above all else. We would like to thank the thousands of people from all backgrounds and religions, who gave us their support. They realised is a vehicle for many opinions and not just for the support of one.

Perhaps there is still hope that this situation may produce a discussion that could benefit and educate all of us as to how we can accept one another’s culture.

We stood for what we believe in, the ability to be heard, but in the end the price was too high.
I'm not sure what the "ill informed comments from certain members of the British media that could directly affect the safety of some staff members" were. But I think that we can all guess where the threats of violence came from. A "Religion of Peace" indeed!

I don't blame LiveLeak for taking the film down: if they felt that there was a real risk of violence ensuing then they clearly have a duty not to compromise the safety of their staff. Indeed, they deserve praise for showing Fitna in the first place, when so many other media organisations were doing all they could to prevent the film from being seen. I do not, however, share their hope that "this situation may produce a discussion that could benefit and educate all of us as to how we can accept one another’s culture". I for one have no intention of accepting Islam, and see absolutely no reason why I should.

But what this really demonstrates is the extent to which it has become virtually impossible, in European countries, to criticise or challenge Islam. To do so is, as has been demonstrated time and again, to put one's very life at risk. Surely the speed with which LiveLeak has been forced to remove the film should serve to demonstrate that Islam is not like other religions, but is a threat to all the values of Western Civilisation.


Anonymous said...

Geert Wilders is right about Islam. The Qur'an teaches hate and bigotry. It should not be used to instruct children or be used in prisons as a conversion tool.

Islamophobia? Who are the true Islamophobes? Network Solutions and YouTube? Those who try to silence the truth-tellers out of fear? A phobia is an irrational fear. Understanding the true motives of Islam and wanting to stop Islamization is not irrational.

Islam is the antithesis of our Bill of Rights and our Constitution. Muslims will tell you Islam means peace. What is meant by this is that all will be peaceful under Islam - if one accepts Islam. If not, those of other faiths can exist by paying the jizyah. This is what Islam teaches. Paying jizyah (tax) to Allah in order to be allowed to practice a religion other than Islam is not freedom of religion. If Islam spreads and becomes the dominant religion, how long before the right to freedom of religion is abolished to be in line with Qur'anic scripture?

Study the Qur'an and the ahadiths. A rational human being can only come to the conclusion that Islam was developed by a man who, because he thirsted for power, developed an ideology based on his deliberate perversions of Judaism and Christianity in order to create hatred for the followers of those religions. Create the hatred, then create an army to ravage and take control of the lands of the People of the Book (Jews & Christians). Islam is not just a religion. It is an ideology with political, military and religious aspects. It is a total belief system.

The Crusades were, of course, the quest to retake the lands stolen by the first Jihadists - Muhammad and his followers.

Do you realize that the Siege of Vienna took place on September 11, 1683? Why do you think September 11 was the date chosen by 19 Islamists to fly planes into our buildings? It was a message to us that Islam was again on the rise.

Interfaith groups seem a noble cause, but they only promote Islamization, because the attempt on the part of naive non-Muslims is not reciprocated with the same noble intentions on the part of Muslims. This is not to say all Muslims are gifted in the "art" of taqiyya (lying) and use it. In fact, there are many Muslims who do not even know the finer points of their faith and who have become secularized or they are indoctrinated and do not question their faith.

Muslims will tell you that you cannot understand Islam properly if you do not know Arabic. (There is some indication that Arabic was not the original language used) And, of course, if you do not understand Arabic, then you must only study with a Muslim who does. Don't listen to them who say this. Certainly, one can listen to, read, study both sides, if one is interested in "being fair-minded." But quite frankly, within the first several days of studying Islam, I was able to to easily see how and why Islam came to be. I was appalled by the so-called prophet of Islam and by the Qur'an, which is, as Wilders called it, fascistic in nature. Muhammad not only lived in the Spin Zone, I am quite sure that he created it. He said Allah said something, but then when that thing conflicted with something Muhammad wanted or did, he simply explained it away with a new saying from Allah to justify his behavior.

Contrast Muhammad with Jesus Christ and there is no comparison. Muhammad was a brutal warrior and Jesus was only peaceful. God bless Pope Benedict for playing the very dangerous game of chess with Muslim leaders. He is a brilliant man and I fear that priests and others who are doing interfaith work do not have the knowledge to engage in it properly. Islam in America is here to win, not to merely live side-by-side with other faiths.

CAIR, an unindicted co-conspirator in an ongoing case regarding contributions to Hamas, claims to be nothing more than an advocacy group for Muslims, but instead, they are engaged in fake lawsuits to promote the Islamization of America. They are here to make sure our children's text books say nothing bad about Islam. They are here to make sure footbaths are installed in public institutions and to accustom us to call to prayer. They use the excuse that we have church bells, but church bells are used for many reasons. Call to prayer only has one purpose. In various places around the globe, call to prayer goes on forever at 2 a.m. When I hear call to prayer, it reminds me of 9/11. It is a sound that does not belong in this country. It causes distress for too many.

Many former Muslims are warning us about Islam. Listen to them. Listen to Ayaan Hirsi Ali; to Walid Shoebat, a former Palestinian terrorist who converted to Christianity, to Bat Ye'or, to Nonie Darwish, to Wafa Sultan, to Robert Spencer.

If not for those of us who speak of the dangers of Islam, Turkey would not be attempting revision of the ahadiths. That should tell you something - that Islam in its present form is unacceptable.

There are those Muslims in America who are attempting reform or pushing a New Age version of Sufism, but can Islam be reformed? Muslims believe the Qu'ran is the word of God handed to Muhammad by the Angel Gabriel. How does one reform what is supposedly the word of God? Muslims have begun a campaign to disassociate themselves from the Taliban, from violence, from what they call a perversion of Islam, but the Qur'an itself calls for violence. The jihadists follow the true Islam.

As the saying goes, there are moderate Muslims, but there is no moderate Islam.

If you are truly open-minded, you will seek out all opinion and treat it fairly. You will not accept the false idea that only Muslims understand Islam.

Watch Islam: What the West Needs to Know

*Ironically, the link I gave in the article for the above is no longer good.
Banned by Google. I found it on YouTube (where it was also banned), but
they haven't found the Finnish version yet. It's in English, but has a Finnish
title and Finnish subtitles.

I am hyperlinking only Part 1 because as long as YouTube hasn't pulled them,
the rest (2-13) can be found in the sidebar scroll at YouTube. These have Finnish
subtitles, but are in English. The originals were pulled by YouTube.

Part 1

Parts 1-13


Unknown said...

I downloaded it whilst I could - I expected this.

We'll just have to put it on BitTorrent.

bernard said...

It's called 'Dutch Courage' FR.