Tuesday 27 February 2007

United States of Europe again

Following on from the news that Blair is planning to put in motion arrangements to sign Britain up to the EU constitution without a referendum, comes this piece by the BBC's EU reporter.

It confirms that the new constitution will be essentially the same as the last, if the Germans have their way - and when it comes to the EU, they usually do. They are particularly committed to maintaining Part I of the constitution, which provides for a single EU president and foreign minister, and for changes to the voting system in the Council of Ministers, which would mean that Britain would lose her veto over areas falling within the Council's remit. Indeed, the only change which the Germans seem to be willing to consider is one wanted by their friends the French, which would ensure that inefficient French farmers didn't lose their vast subsidies.

The decision to go ahead with a new constitution will have to be approved by all member states, and so we can hope that some of them show the backbone and commitment to sovereignty that our government lacks. It is sad, though, to see Britain dependent on Poland and the Czech Republic to defend our independence (or what's left of it).

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