Monday 16 April 2007

Welcome, new voters!

One million migrants from outside the EU will be entitled to vote in May's local and national elections, it has emerged.

The migrants from Commonwealth countries, dependent territories and the Republic of Ireland - none of whom are citizens here - have gained voting rights from a law passed in 1918.

If they are resident at a UK address, they can play a key role in deciding who wins council seats in England, as well as control of the Scottish and Welsh parliaments.

Few of their countries, however, offer British migrants the same rights - only the Republic of Ireland and several countries in the West Indies.

There's not a lot that can be - or needs to be - said in response to this kind of thing. I would, however, direct the reader's attention towards Fjordman's article "Electing a New People: The Leftist-Islamist Alliance" , written in May last year:

A new alliance of convenience between Leftists and Muslim immigrants is taking shape in Europe. I think the deal is that the Leftist parties get a number of new clients, I mean voters, in return for giving Muslims privileges and subsidies, as well as keeping the borders more or less open for new Muslims to enter. As one Muslim put it: "I vote for the Socialists because they give me more money." The Leftists are, in essence, electing a new people, replacing the one already there with one more supportive of their agenda.


Anonymous said...

Great, a German troll. You can safely do away with that one, FR, there's nothing interesting in there.

bernard said...

The only bit I got was 'Biodiesel', and, seeing that Diesel was a german chemist, that would be logical; if off-topic.

Fulham Reactionary said...

Well, the German troll has now given birth to a little string of comments, so if I were to delete his post, I'd have to delete those following.

For the benefit of anyone who is interested (and it really isn't very interesting), the website seems to be about selling fuel, presumably in large quantities. So Bernard was on the right lines. Wonderful thing, google translator.

Normally when trolls of this nature pop by they're trying to advertise pornography. I guess this blog must be just of a slightly higher class, compared with your average site!

Also, is this Bernard our regular commenter Bernard, or another one? The profile is certainly different, so I assume we may now have two Bernards.