Thursday 21 June 2007

Parody, meet reality

Perhaps it's just me, but doesn't this (real life) Daily Mail headline sound exactly like a Private Eye parody of a Daily Mail headline:

Did Hitler unleash the Holocaust because a Jewish prostitute gave him syphilis?

If only they'd managed to include a reference to house prices...


Fulham Reactionary said...

I don't really agree that there's no evidence for the Holocaust: the abundance of eyewitness testimony would appear to be supported by, for example, the known existence of mass graves, alongside other evidence.

Anonymous said...

FR the excavation of a few mass graves would go far to convince me but none have been so far. Its odd that the USSR passed up the opportunity to rubbish the fash by not opening up a few sites. After all the German govt invited the world to examine the graves at Katyn in April 1943.